Saturday, 25 April 2015

Spring Cleaning or Spring Cooking?

I love spring cleaning.... no that's a lie.  Cleaning is not my forte.  I think my sister would agree when the domestic genes were handed out in our family she got the cleaning one and I got the cooking one.  If it's a choice between cleaning the house and searching out recipes for tonight's supper or an upcoming dinner party I may start out with a duster in my hand but I always end up with a grocery store flyer, a cookbook and a cup of coffee.

But I do love the idea of spring cleaning.  Every year I have the same plan - get every corner of the house tidy and clean, with everything in its place.  With that accomplished I can spend the summer guilt free and outdoors gardening or better still barbecuing and entertaining. 

But it never quite works out that way for me.

Anyone who knows me well knows I am easily distracted especially when it comes to housework.  I never seem to get anything finished.  My "to-do" lists are never completely crossed off.  Sometimes I have to add things at the end of the day in order to cross them off because I ended up doing something totally unrelated to my original plan.

So I have learned over the years the best way for me to get things "ship-shape" (my mother's words) is to plan a dinner party.  It doesn't have to be a big one it just has to have a guest list that includes someone that I don't want seeing my untidy home!

This spring's guests are my sister Liz and her writing partner Pam (a.k.a. Jamie Tremain).  I have invited them both for dinner to celebrate the signing of their first novel.  And because I live a fair distance away from them they are staying overnight so I have to get the entire house in order for their stay. 

Don't get me wrong - my prime motivation is to celebrate the success of all their hard work.  I am so proud of them both and can't wait to pop open that bottle of champagne that's been put aside for this occasion.  I want to let them have an evening of well earned down time before the hectic business of marketing their novel gets into full swing. An evening of girl talk and silliness is always a good thing and if it helps me get my spring cleaning finished in the process, is that a bad thing?

So now I have a little more than a month to get everything in order for my house guests.  I know exactly what needs to be done.  

I have a list.

It's prioritized.

First things first.

But wait... 

The sun is coming out.  Maybe it will be warm enough to barbecue tonight.  

I should check the flyers - maybe I can get some fish.  Or maybe some lamb.  Pork chops.  No, steaks we should have steaks and a salad, a nice salad.  Hmmm now what wine will we have?



p.s. I will post soon what I end up cooking tonight.  Well I will try - I do have some spring cleaning to get done you know!